Effects of hypnotic focused analgesia on dental pain threshold.
Abstract The rate, intensity, and selectivity of hypnotic focused analgesia (HFA) were tested with dental pulp stimulation. Thirty-one healthy subjects were hypnotized, and hypnotic suggestions were given for anesthesia of the right mandibular arch. A posthypnotic suggestion of persisting analgesia was also given. The pain threshold of the first premolar was bilaterally measured before, during, and after hypnosis using a pulp tester. During hypnosis, the pain threshold increased significantly (p < .0001) for both sides. The posthypnotic right pain threshold was also significantly (p < .0015) higher than in the basal condition.
Int J Clin Exp Hypn. 2011 Oct-Dec;59(4):454-68. Facco E, Casiglia E, Masiero S, Tikhonoff V, Giacomello M, Zanette G. a University of Padua , Italy.
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